Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bread mith

I started coughing/choking last night and had lots more congestion to deal with than earlier in the week. Strange how my body just waited for the weekend like that. So I didn't feel great today and ended up taking a nap early afternoon. However, I still managed a walk; Colin and I ordered a pizza take-out from a place downtown Highland Park and we walked around while waiting. It's a high-end shopping area (including a Saks Fifth Avenue) and parking is a hassle but there were still a couple fun things to snap pictures of. This one, of a sign that is supposed to read "breadsmith," is my favorite:

Colin suggested making a "bread mith" to go along with this picture but I'm just not sure what ... but I don't think I'm up to writing whatever it might be just now. It's possible I'll take a stab at it tomorrow. :)

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