Friday, April 25, 2008

Social cookie
This I can relate to - especially when my most promising friendship in town goes on a cross-country road trip starting next week. *sigh* I love webcomics.

Other news: it rained today. Or rather, yesterday, since it's after 1 a.m. I've got a good grip on my final, after a hours or so of agony and confusion trying to understand what appears to be the level between theory and practice - like, pre-practice with categories etc etc.

I can't wait to see Colin tomorrow night. And to be done with this semester in less than a week.

I baked cookies tonight. Originally, they were going to be chocolate chip cookies, following this recipe "Award-winning soft chocolate chip cookies". I had to pare down the quantity, limited by "only" 1.5 sticks of butter ... well, it turned out that I didn't have vanilla pudding but "Devil's food" (really chocolatey) pudding mix. They are soft and slightly like cake because they don't spread at all (I recommend squashing them). It's a little too much chocolate for me (I also used dark chocolate chips). They are better than a couple other attempts but I still can't figure out what recipe I used at home in Charlevoix - I loved those cookies. They were the best. Maybe I can find the recipe somewhere when I visit the family next time. I gave some to Celeste and Grant tonight when Celeste came over to discuss the big ideas behind the final. (Grant is her husband. He sat and crocheted, occasionally commenting.) I felt especially socially awkward even though I'm normally comfortable with them. Other than a brief visit from Rachel in January, and Colin of course, I haven't had anyone come visit me. I am afraid I'm losing my ability to carry on a coherent verbal conversation. Eek.

Tech update: (more for personal record keeping than informing people)
I tried to reinsert my older memory stick. The new one works fine but I need more memory for HandBrake. I know it clicked in on both sides and it seemed to be all good. Then I tried turning on my computer. And all it did was beep. Once. Thrice. Thrice. Once. Whir a bit like it was thinking. Then just sat there absolutely still. I tried again. Same results. So either the slot is bad, I put it in wrong, or the stick is seriously screwed up. One last possible solution was that I was supposed to repartition (read: backup, do the resizing, then put all my files back on) before I stuck the stick in. I'll ask Colin tomorrow or whenever. I was hoping to be able to return "Hairspray" to the library since it's due tomorrow but looks like I'll have to renew it. Oh well - I've got more time on my hands next week, especially after Wednesday, if I do indeed take that whole time to do the final.

Alright, my eyes are scratchy. I'm going to head for bed now.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A people photoblog of the last four months

I thought I'd attempt to post a blog with some photos. More will be put on facebook, but but this entry is people-themed with some narration. I'm pretty sure the transition between blogger and livejournal's gonna flunk out and I don't want to post it all over again (I hate LJ picture blogging) so to make life a little easier for most of you, try going here for the fancy picture stuff.

I'm putting these in chronological order, starting with this first picture taken at the aquarium cafeteria in Chicago on January 21, Martin Luther King, Jr. day. I met up with Amanda, Tom, and Sessily and we toured the aquarium and science museum which were open for free that day.

This is one of me and Colin the following weekend in Bloomington. He was trying to get me to make a face.

We went to Kalamazoo late February where Colin gave a talk about his company, most of which over my head but I got to sit in the back and make fun of him with his parents, especially when he was being a smartass. While he was talking to people afterwards, I met up with Kelsay and we made our way back to her apartment where this picture was taken of her and Kiki. We ate dinner with the Alworth family and Ashley at the Saffron. Later that night, we played Scrabble and watched Xena with Lenya and Kelsay (and Kiki, of course).

This is a picture of Rachel, Colin, and Emily in the back of their family van. Emily was visiting K College as a prospective student. Funny thing is, she told me that she was just there to make her parents happy - in the end, she decided that's where she was going. She's also doing LandSea like her big brother and her parents.

A couple weeks later, I had my spring break, so Colin and I headed north to Charlevoix and had a lot of fun, especially with William but also with the rest of my family. This picture shows Laura and William standing inside the local grocery store next to a sign that promises that some weird porcupine cartoon dude is sold there. William had run into the store and waved from inside, not realizing the advertisement right next to him.

Later, some of us were a bit wild in the library; William is sitting in the children's section, pretending to be scared and not know where Colin is. I love both of these silly boys so much.

And that's my awesome blog slideshow of the pictures I took of people the last four months! I think I should go get some work done now ...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring ANEW is the motto of the season

I have actually tried to post a few times in the last five months. Really. I even logged in and wrote a few sentences before (a) I got distracted and/or overwhelmed or (b) my browser crashed.

I'll try to avoid either of these pitfalls this time and maybe, just maybe, you'll get a real post from me. Oh, the weird "boing" post was to test the linking between blogger and livejournal. I thought I'd type over here where livejournal wouldn't be able to cause problems. So even if it did, I wouldn't have lost the production of my efforts. It may not be an LJ problem ... I might just be paranoid; my browser tends to crash every once in awhile, but not enough to propel me into taking action against it. Here's to me being tech-savvy.

I occasionally read people's posts but not lately. Last night, Becca asked me to read a particular post, so I went to, wrested my password from some obscure, dusty corner of my mind, and signed on. Then I read and enjoyed the wild, quirky amazing-ness that is all of you and wondered why the heck I don't do that more often. It's exactly what I have needed, especially some of those dark, dark days I've had this winter and don't want to think about too hard.

Let's see - short and sweet version:

I chose IU. So now I live in Bloomington in a studio apartment with a view of trees. I am almost done with the semester. I have a couple assignments and a take-home final left to do. I think my brain's already on vacation, which doesn't help things. School's all right and quite a bit different than K. Have had classes only Mondays and Tuesdays, but each session is three hours long. Very few social connections, but now have three new phone numbers. Spend as many weekends as I can with Colin the boyfriend. That'd be the comp sci major who's tall and skinny, also graduated from K last spring, and does his code monkey thing in Chicago area. It's his birthday on Saturday. It reached 80 degrees F here today and I'm sticking around for the summer (yes, I have a/c), taking a class during the second session.

Other near-future plans you all might be interested in keeping tabs on: visiting K-zoo early May, spending Memorial Day weekend at Colin's family cabin in northern Wisconsin, seeing Becca in South Range, attending my sister's HS graduation stuff, and distracting Becca during the weekend of June 7th by being all touristy at the Pictured Rocks. I think that's it. Besides the projects and such that I plan to occupy my time with this summer, like hiking and running and artsy stuff and reading.

I think that's a good enough re-entry...

Oh if any of you need an excuse to procrastinate, I've made a website for class. url: Nothing real cool (although I do like the format). There's a link to a pathfinder (kind of like a pre-project, exploratory bibliography - librarians apparently make them) that I made for another class about how global warming is affecting the Arctic's geopolitical situation.



Crane poem

fold with
press deceptive
wings crane grace for
flightless stumble hope
fury bird shaping