Monday, November 1, 2010

And we're off!

Well, it's off on a rocky start. First, I spent so much time just trying to print my manual. I mean, how hard could it be to print a mulipage pamphlet? Very, it turns out .. especially when the printer quit listening to me. Got it all figured out but it only took the whole morning. Also, I'm trying not to feel guilty for not finishing my entire GTD list. I hadn't realized how much the website making would hinge on my digitization project. But I just wanted to start so badly today ... so the compromise is to write as much as possible today and then finish the website tomorrow before continuing writing. My internet now works in spurts and the nanowrimo site is very slow today, so I can't post my first word count.

The bright side? My finger that I cut this weekend and my stubborn wrist are cooperating very nicely. I have enjoyed some jerky and tea. And I've written 1,044 words so far! I plan to hit the library after a quick late lunch to keep going. I'm afraid it's far from gripping. I have managed to write two scenes so things are progressing. A lot of it is making it up as I go, including names and exactly how things work in the colony. So probably way too much explaining, but I'm not laying out everything at once and there's action and dialog ... Who cares if it turns out boring for anyone else  who might read it, right? ;)

I'd post a screenshot and maybe a picture of my supplies but the internet is so flaky I'm going to be surprised if this gets up at all, let alone be able to upload pictures. And how's your November looking?

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