Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pretty much all about food

I'm getting pretty wiped out and I still have 50 egg rolls to wrap and dinner to make. It's been kind of a long day. But I need a physical break.

First, I woke up way too early and my brain was hopping all over the place. I caught it in a net and took it downstairs with blanket and bathrobe and demanded it spit out what it needed to say into my journal so I could get some peace and quiet. Also, Colin and I are both battling a fairly weak bug but I think I might have had a slight temperature. Yay drugs! Even after journaling a bit, I had to grab "Russia: Experiment with a People" which I don't care if I ever actually get through or not. I don't like how things are presented but it's nice to kind of brush up my memory and learn other little tidbits about the Cold War etc. I got through quite a few long pages before the sky started turning light blue and I said, "Okay that's it. We're going back to bed whether you're ready or not." I managed another couple hours of okay sleep before dragging out of bed just in time to take Colin to the train station.

I had to shower, eat, and get a bunch of other stuff done in an hour then I went to the church library for about 2.5 hours. It was fun to have a working typewriter to write up the catalog cards. Yes, actual physical real catalog cards. I never thought about the need to have more than one author card if a book was written by two or more people. Little things like that just boggle my mind.

After lunch, I was running through the recipes I'd picked out and gone shopping for on Tuesday when I realized I had gotten the wrong kind of wrapper thingies. I certainly didn't know there are different types of spring and egg roll wrappers. So there was nothing to do but go back and exchange for the right kind. By the way, I love shopping at Garden Fresh Markets - they have such a wealth of international food stuffs and we get our Indian food ingredients there. The mystery is that they don't have paneer. I've never managed to find paneer in stores here, so if you have any ideas where to look I would love to hear them. For now, we're experimenting with farmer's cheese and slowly getting closer to what we want it to be.

Anyway, it was neat to be there. One of the things I've kept an eye out for is snack food for nanowrimo. I've got lots of pringles that were a dollar a container. There's a couple of real ramen noodle packets to try for lunches and see if I like them. I found some cookies I remember eating and liking from the annual holiday packages we used to get from friends in Japan. Junk food won't be a problem ... we've amassed a lot of it over the years. We just don't eat it. Some might be stale but who cares (I don't). Also, Halloween is coming up. I also plan to get veggies to chop up, stick in the fridge, and munch on whenever. But today I saw a bunch of usually kind of expensive packages of food for a discounted price because they had a best by date of Oct 31. I went all out and am now staring at a stack of five different things (like fancy gorp, dried cranberries, dried pineapples). They were all at least a dollar off their original prices. Pretty cool. Roughly 15 bucks for all these goodies so far.

I'm kind of chatty today. Hope no one minds too much. I was planning on the next post to be "How to change a clump of VOB files into one subtitled M4V file" but I've run into some gnarly bits trying to figure it out myself. More on that later when I've mastered it. After I post pictures and rave about my egg rolls. Which, oddly, don't have any eggs ... the recipe I chose didn't call for any. Oh well. I think I'll leave most of the rolling for tomorrow - draining the stuffing took a lot longer than I thought it would. But we'll have some tonight with another cool recipe I'm trying out - Chow Mein! Gonna go start prepping for that before Colin needs to be picked up.

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