Friday, October 8, 2010

Libraries and cell phones (unrelated in this post)

This week has been a bit crazier than normal weeks (but what is a normal week?). I'm making fairly good progress on my October Get Things Done. The dentist thing is still sitting there glaring me in the face ... but we've changed to our current addresses on our driver's license. Which means I can check books out of every library I run into! Well, in the area anyway. That's a big plus for me. The library in Gurnee deserves another visit - they're doing some pretty interesting new things there. Different building shape and set up, including a TV in a designated place near the front door where you can just hang out and watch the news. It's also *very* popular. I went there on a Monday evening and even then overflow parking was pretty full.

More exciting library-related news: I've found a couple more jobs which I *will* be working on the applications for today. This is so nice, but why do they come in clumps?

We finally got our cellphones switched from our respective family plans to our own family plan. Becca liked the idea, that since we have identical cell phones (Nexus Ones), we are getting a same sex marriage. Unfortunately, this means my actual cellphone number has changed. Again. Sorry guys, I don't like the need to frequently update my number either. This time it's an MN based number since Colin, who is the actual owner of the account, has a MN number. However, the good news is that I've got a Google Voice number which I don't plan on changing or getting rid of ever if I can help it. I don't have actual texting anymore but I do have a limited data plan! So email me to get my GVoice number, then feel free to text that number to your heart's content. In case this is too confusing for you - just ask me for my new number and then pretend that is my real new cellphone number. The one glitch is that when I call you I can't yet have it show that I'm calling from my GVoice number every time. So if I'm out and about, your caller ID may show some odd MN number (218 yada yada) and that's probably me. Go ahead and log that into your address book but I'd ask you to please just use my 231 Gvoice to call and text me.

Kind of a long explanation for something that I don't like using. I hate talking on the phone. I love texting though. And the fact that Google Voice can give me automated transcriptions for voicemail messages. I thought long and hard about whether or not I should just get a data or texting plan, but in the end safety/comfort and overall expenses/headaches had getting a normal voice with data plan win out. I do know that if it was just me, I'm pretty sure I'd swing for data/text, but being on a family plan with Colin who still needs voice changes things. However, for those of you who ever think they might be able to do just texting, definitely check out Qwert. For 10 bucks a month you get 400 texts a month, or for 20 bucks it's unlimited texting. The coolest thing is that they send you a SIM card and there are no extra services required for this low texting plan. The only catch seems to be that you then have a SIM card that can only do texting. Unless you want to physically swap SIM cards in and out every time you need to check SMS messages, you have to be really sure that this will be a good solution for you.

Just trust me when I say I looked at tons of options, including how to be able to call people without a voice plan and/or wifi ... I don't think you want me to prove it by explaining them all. I also started looking around for what the best solution for keeping in touch when we're in Europe in December. I'll undoubtably write up a post about findings and results. The best thing is that our Nexus Ones are unlocked and we can call people whenever we have wifi for very cheap (or if that person is on Google Voice or Skype, for free). Additionally, we can check for voicemail and text messages whenever we connect to wifi without it costing anything because we've both got Google Voice. The trick is what we do outside of wifi range. While it's true I did just fine on study abroad without having my own cellphone, it helped immensely that a few in the group did have them. We can get local SIM cards and there's other solutions available (but you can easily get confused doing research for the one that fits you best), but until Colin and I have figured out what countries we will be in for how long, I am forcing myself to pause this research. Word of advice for those traveling to Europe: whenever possible, text don't call. Texting is so much cheaper and I think Europe laws say you can't be charged for any incoming text messages.

I'm in Deerfield for the second time this week since we're heading to MI to visit family this weekend. I'm on my own for lunch (there's always lunch meetings on Friday which is why I usually come earlier in the week). Walking to Potbelly's nearby is sounding like the best idea ...

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