Friday, December 3, 2010

Arsenic life forms, moms, and cats

Sometimes my mind just goes crazy for random tidbits of information. Some of what I find is not always exactly "information" but funny nonetheless. Similar to a news update but with silly things, I thought I would share this morning's finds:
Arsenic! New life form on Earth! Mind boggling indeed. Since the official news briefing isn't until 2 pm EST today, definitely something to file under "keep active watch on news about this." Also, in case you don't read xkcd, this is what they were referencing but I picked up the news separately. After reading the comic and not getting it.
This is one of my favorite webcomics. I love it because it's especially relevant today. Both Colin and I got silly/cute/ridiculous emails from our mothers this morning. We had talked to Colin's mom last night who asked us for a list of books we wouldn't mind getting as gifts. One which is called "52 Loaves." Being funny, she sent us an email asking if "52 Meat Loaves" was the book and if we *really* did want it. Also, talking to Colin helped ease some of the family-related stress (which I won't go into here) and she thanked him for a good night's sleep. Aww.

As for my mom, she has a different thumb pain than I do and she'd just gotten a cordisone shot for it. It hasn't helped at all. She and my sister also have an enterovirus that's going around in northern Michigan. She had called Colin yesterday wondering why I hadn't called her back. She asked if we were fine (Dad had emailed me earlier and I'd sent a bulk email to all immediate family members reporting that we hadn't come down with it). It turned out that my phone during an update had decided I didn't want automatic Google Voice syncs anymore although Colin's kept his preference of autosync. She had sent a lengthy text message yesterday morning with no "call me" included. This morning I got an email from her - she was typing on the smartphone (which acts as the homephone) because she hasn't yet learned how to set up the wifi connection on her laptop (which she's had for almost a month). Apparently she is still sick and her thumb still hurts. She was concerned because Colin said I was fine but "the email you sent Dad suggested otherwise." The text from that bulk email? "I did have a headache like Nathan a couple of times and felt bad on Saturday morning but I don't think I had what they had. I had a bloody nose this morning and have been feeling especially tired lately but I'm far from incapacitated." Maybe I should have just said "I am fine" but I thought that last phrase would be enough to calm anyone's fears. Silly me.

Normally, I stay away from blogging about the frustrations with my mom, but the Thanksgiving visit is so fresh on my mind. There were definitely fun times but, well, it was family times too.

And on a lighter note: The ridiculousness of cats and boxes plus the coincidence of two tweets from different people on the subject very recently.

Cat: WAT U DOIN. Me: Putting books into this box. Cat: I HALP U! [Jumps into box] Me: So... Cat: MYBOXMYBOXMYBOX! Me: Um. Cat: NOT YOURS.And since a friend of mine chooses to keep her twitter private, I will paraphrase by saying that one of her own cats was in love with his cardboard box. Previously he was trying to claw his way out of the bottom of the box and at the time of the tweet (three hours previous to wilw's) he was investigating it from all angles.

I will now use this as an excuse to include a lolcat.

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