Saturday, June 18, 2011

So I caved in

Earlier, I had mentioned that I was trying to resist maintaining multiple blogs on different topics. This rule has been broken. But - I like to think I have a good reason: I didn't want everyone everywhere to be able to read the new blog.

Don't worry, it's nothing embarrassing; it's just as a SLIS grad I was faced with a privacy dilemma. Last weekend we were in Charlevoix. We came home with a bunch of boxes from my grandparents' house and I wanted some way to share the scans and what I learned with other family members. Having a blog also provides incentive beyond "Ooo this is fun!"

It's not completely restricted to family members only, but since you need to ask me for access I have absolute control over who can see the stuff. So if you're interested in following or seeing what it's like, go ahead and ask for permission and (if I know you as a real person) I would probably let you in. Also, even if I wasn't worried about privacy, I would be worried about having a massive amount of posts that were possibly long and possibly boring (to most people) put up where, frankly, most people could care less about that and be more interested in, well, me and ... whatever else I do? The garden, yes that's it!

Speaking of the garden:
The zucchini plant has lots of buds which is very exciting. The lower leaves on all my pepper plants seem to be breaking off but otherwise they look healthy and half of them have had flowers (one each). The herbs are doing fine despite their lack of space.
Two little potato plants

My potato experiment is promising too; there are 11 separate plants that have sprung up with little bundles of leaves. I resist watering them, especially since they were flooded with the rain a few days ago. They seem happiest having no attention so far.

Today has been a nice relaxed Saturday. We went out for brunch, talked over wedding plans and what else we have to do. On the way home, we stopped for garage sales but didn't get anything (despite our garage sale-ing experience around here, we still hope). Then we went to a nice lake/pond park we hadn't been to and caught bullfrogs. And one teeny tiny toad. There was a family of three kids there who we helped out with how to catch them (and not kill or hurt them). There were a couple caught that still had fairly large tails. It was a lot of fun but it's quite humid today and eventually we left.

A bullfrog
 When we got home, we checked in on the nest in the tree out front where there's currently a dove family. The adult has been slowly getting pushed up out of the nest as the babies grew but it wasn't until today that we could actually see both of the babies. We knew there might be two because Colin had taken a picture earlier of the two eggs and finally we were able to see the face of the second one without having to hold the camera above our heads and take a picture.

The second one shown - the other is hidden by the branch.

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