Sunday, April 10, 2011

A bun!

My hands have been covered in pen marks all day, from various attempts to get my hair into a bun - without bobby pins or elastic bands. And ta da! It is currently securely held together with two pens! This, I can assure you, is indeed an accomplishment. I've been making more buns lately as my hair gets longer and even the ponytail is getting to feel a bit in the way. I've done this with the old "twist up, wrap, and secure with band." This is always a hit-and-miss and can unevenly put all the weight of my hair on a few strands which is not comfortable.

This morning I started out determined to find another solution. Went through many tutorials, with some of them *almost* working (including one with no utensils needed at all!) and others I didn't even try because I started to realize this: My hair is much thicker than the average tutorial guide's. I've never actually measured the circumference of the ponytail but I started to despair. Plus, it has been a freak summer day (got above 80 degrees!) and I was sweating slightly from all the activity.

Later on, I looked up how to make buns for thick hair, abandoning the idea of looking only for buns made without the usual hair accessories. Turns out I'm not alone, which I guess I knew all along but it is still a relief to find strangers bemoaning of the same difficulties. Most suggested that all they could find to work was the same old method I've been using. Or something even more complex and requiring sectioning hair and using bobby pins. And then, I found ...


I tried a few times, watched the video at least 3 or 4 times, and then - it worked. Now, the problem is I don't want to take it out and retry because I'm afraid it won't work again. It's so nice to have it in a good bun! But I will need to go to sleep sometime soon and having pens stuck in my head will impede that, so we shall see how much is plain dumb luck or not next time I try it (tomorrow). But for now - bliss, or something like it.

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