Tuesday, September 21, 2010

News Roundup 4

This "news roundup" idea is proving irregular, but it was a great way to kick me back into blogging and will probably always be a topic I can use.

Couple of interesting tidbits:
Very inspiring. When I read the headline I was baffled and wanted to know "How?!" Turns out he has fins. Yay for fellow cyborgs!

It's sad that the one captured died but everything else in the article is awesome. I don't really understand how they can remain so elusive and mysterious. Partly curious to learn about it, partly want to just leave them alone. But it is good to study them so we can know how to preserve their habitat ... right? Not to get all glum, but what about the rest of the animal kingdom we do know about?

Enjoying gazing out the back door, watching the drops made small puddles on the two-slab concrete patio and on the tree. The drops are steady yet not too numerous that you can't notice the random drops hitting each leaf. Kind of makes the tree look twitchy. I notice the tomato plant is tipped yet again, but there's no point in going out there until after the storm passes over. Already it's brightening and the rain is pushing east. I get more excitement and delight out of the combination of sensory clues that a storm is almost overhead - bright flashes, booms that can rattle skeletons, shifting to an ethereal dark-yet-light -  than the last bit when everything just sighs and starts going back to normal.

Anyway, I've started at least two blog entries today but they just aren't ready. Basically, I don't like boring people to death while rambling on and on about my love-hate relationship with computers.

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