Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spain: Mérida, Part II

It's been an insane week since we got back, but I'm not going to get into that just yet. For now, photo recaps from the three weeks in Spain, starting where I left off. So, traveling back in time and space to Mérida, Spain, where I've already shown pictures of the ampitheatre and theatre. We also enjoyed the history museum across the street from these two Roman ruins (Emily and Papa pictured).

Rachel and Colin sitting down taking a break at the museum.

I especially liked this mosaic even though there was very little written description of it. It makes me wonder what kind of cat that is and where this hunt must have taken place for some Spanish Roman house to have this mosaic displayed. Anyone have any clues?

Tributes to the ancient Roman presence will almost inevitably include a square with a statue of the she-wolf feeding Romulus and Remus.

Roman bridge which is about half a mile long and we didn't walk all of it. But very nice to see, especially with a pretty sunset.

 There was a nesting pair of storks on top of the main building in the main square in Mérida. They are huge!

I found this photograph in the bulk copied from Rachel's camera. It is of me gazing upwards at the arches on the theatre stage. I didn't know she was taking this photo and I like it a lot. 

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