Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why *is* a raven like a writing desk?

I tend to like anything related to Alice in Wonderland. Just have ever since it was my favorite movie to watch when we lived in the trailer (before I was five, so before I could read captions). By following a strange line of "only on the Internet" connections, I have found what is by far my favorite, which happens to be about Lewis Carroll.
Now, I always knew the author never intended for the question to have a real answer, but the part about "nevar" I nevar knew before. I like typing "nevar" so it's fun to have validation from one of my favorite authors. :) I found had a more colorful and explanatory description of the whole hullabaloo over "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Although Carroll Lewis did eventually provide an answer and I do like "Because there's a B in both and an N in neither," I find it more fascinating that the Mad Hatter asked the question, didn't have a clue what the answer might be, and we're still wondering. It reveals more than it conceals, just not of the expected subject. The connection between ravens and writing desks? No, the nature of the human mind which simply insists that there be a connection.

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