Lately I've been daydreaming about autumn. It seems I'm nostalgic for leaves turning colors, hot apple cider, and snuggling in poofy sweaters while there's a crisp sunny breeze in the air. Being able to sit next to a fireplace in a cafe and be thankful for the warmth against the chilly breezes periodically invited in through the door. I can't help it - I keep trying to remind myself how much I yearn for these warmer sunny days of summer when it's wintertime, how fleeting autumn really is, and how it will be here soon enough. I think just one day of real cool weather would help fix things and then I can go back to loving summer. But really, we've used up all the heat quota for the year, don't you think?
Aside from that, I got some 100% cranberry/grape juice and seltzer water today. Not as sweet as Italian sodas from cafes, but still pretty good. Tasty while still being healthy! I was able to catch Colin on video chat for a few minutes yesterday and today but it wasn't quite enough. While I'm enjoying having two-thirds of the couch entirely to myself all the time, I really look forward to my new hubby coming home on Saturday.
What else? The dean at the library wasn't able to meet with me until next week so no news on that front. My dad is competing in the national canoe race this weekend, both the 2-man and 1-man events. His goal: Don't finish last. I found a beetle on the cucumber plant, two peppers have flowers, and a couple of potato plants have popped up under the eaves outside of the little ditch where I planted all the eyes (they probably moved when the patch was flooded). Along with the robins and sparrows that use the makeshift bird bath, we've now got a hummingbird feeder which has been attracting a few of those little guys. They sometimes try to suck the food out of the crack between the glass and the plastic bottom when there's perfectly functioning fake flowers with ledges they can sit on. Not terribly bright but fun to watch.
I feel like I've done enough productive things for the day but for some reason I can't bring myself to just sit and read a book. Sadly, it's something I rarely do outside of just before going to sleep or specific situations. I've read a bit more this week than usual, with no Colin around to interrupt me. I'm also keen on getting back into the genealogy research but feel at a loss just where to jump back in and how to restrain myself from letting it suck up all my time. I think part of it is the fact that the time researching in Massachusetts was such a short and intense period.
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