I personally believe that having an annual Library Week is not a bad thing, but I really enjoyed reading the history of its origins, especially in the annoyedlibrarian's tone.
Anything to get Helen Keller out of the "poor little deaf and blind girl" image gets an A in my book. Also, it's just one of those things I would have never wondered about on my own - other than someone signing the time to her, how would she know? Or better yet, how did she perceive what time was, without auditory or visual clues?
*gasp* Why, that lying ...
Wait, how come this doesn't surprise me? A writer taking out more than a little creative license. Wow. "It’s not like Steinbeck wrote a phony Holocaust memoir that sullies the memories and souls of millions of victims." A great snippet below (try clicking on the "print" button if you find the flashing ads as distracting as I do).
DAD: I am filling out your income tax 1040. Are you still single? Kids?
Ever read I've been trying to pick a particularly funny one to put here. My dad did something very similar on last year's tax forms he mailed me so I thought I'd share that one. I like the site - perhaps a bit too much, since I can't stop giggling which means Colin has to work in the other room.
I personally believe that having an annual Library Week is not a bad thing, but I really enjoyed reading the history of its origins, especially in the annoyedlibrarian's tone.
Anything to get Helen Keller out of the "poor little deaf and blind girl" image gets an A in my book. Also, it's just one of those things I would have never wondered about on my own - other than someone signing the time to her, how would she know? Or better yet, how did she perceive what time was, without auditory or visual clues?
*gasp* Why, that lying ...
Wait, how come this doesn't surprise me? A writer taking out more than a little creative license. Wow. "It’s not like Steinbeck wrote a phony Holocaust memoir that sullies the memories and souls of millions of victims." A great snippet below (try clicking on the "print" button if you find the flashing ads as distracting as I do).
"Maybe Travels With Charley should be shelved with Steinbeck’s novels instead of in the nonfiction section. All nonfiction is part fiction, and vice versa. It’s not like Steinbeck wrote a phony Holocaust memoir that sullies the memories and souls of millions of victims.
"From what I can gather, Steinbeck didn’t fictionalize in the guise of nonfiction because he wanted to mislead readers or grind some political point. He was desperate. He had a book to make up about a failed road trip, and he had taken virtually no notes. ... Then his publisher, The Viking Press, marketed the book as nonfiction, and the gullible reviewers of the day—from The New York Times to The Atlantic—bought every word."
DAD: I am filling out your income tax 1040. Are you still single? Kids?
I apologize if you didn't care for the randomness of this post ... I wanted to blog something and this is what happened. How is everyone else on this rainy Friday?
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