Tuesday, August 3, 2010

News Roundup 2

"Is Italy Too Italian?" 
There are supermercados and a few other chains, but Italians stick with non-chain pizza places and cafes. They have different priorities and views. Much like Spaniards, they are clannish and their loyalties are on the regional level instead of the national level.

"While its finances are not as precarious as those of Greece, Portugal or Ireland, because it is far larger — the Italian economy is the seventh largest in the world — its troubles are more frightening." "'Italy’s problem isn’t that we have a lot of debt. It’s that we don’t grow.'”

"Until recently, there weren’t any rules about what “Made in Italy” actually meant, but that will change when a new law goes into effect in October. It states that if at least two stages of production — there are four stages altogether — occur in Italy, a garment is made in Italy."

"Economists said that Mr. Barbera had a point, but they also said that worrying about this issue was like fretting about the head cold of a patient with Stage 3 cancer."

"It is defined, to a large degree, by deep-seated mistrust — not just of the government, but of anyone who isn’t part of the immediate family — as well as a widespread aversion to risk and to growth that to American eyes looks almost quaint."

"Italians, notes Professor Altomonte, are among the world’s heaviest consumers of bottled water. 'Do you know why? Because the water in the tap comes from the government.'"

Health issues abound in recent news:
http://www.businessweek.com/lifestyle/content/healthday/641751.html - comparison of Italian and African kids' diets and their gut bugs.
"The problem is we eat too much cheap, convenient food because it's our lifestyle and that can contribute to allergies," added Marianne Grant, a registered dietitian and health educator at Texas A&M Health Science Center Coastal Bend Health Education Center in Corpus Christi.

With the introduction of antibiotics and vaccines we might have also got asthma and allergies. Whoppee doo.

At least this one makes sense - bad food leads to bad cholesterol. What I don't like is that this focus could neglect to realize there are some people with bad cholesterol who lead healthy lives. Many times it is controllable yet sometimes it is not.

Mosque at Ground Zero? 

"The Muslims are not responsible for 9/11. There have been extremists in all religions. Denying them the ability to build a mosque… would be like London denying the Roman Catholic Church the opportunity to build a church during the years of the IRA bombings."
Unfortunately the issue isn't that simple; the physical presence will not erase feelings. If someone fears them, they will most likely fear them more. If someone understands the difference, they will continue to understand the difference. There probably would be some who take the initiative to research or who will listen to those who try to explain the difference, but unfortunately, I think this is the wrong step to take towards creating more awareness.
A very good idea to learn at least the basics on how to swim. Or how to rescue others even if no one knows how to swim. Sticks or rope, anyone?
I like how this tropical storm has just managed to achieve its status by going 1 mph over tropical depression. Also, its name is Colin. :)
Along with the news that iPhones are much easier to jailbreak, I think Android is doing quite well, don't you?

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