Thursday, February 18, 2010


I was trying to find the entrance to the other section across the road but nobody apparently has hiked the connecting trail and I really didn't feel like leaping dirty snow piles into four lanes of traffic. So I just followed these old xski tracks until I came across this sign then turned around (I didn't feel like walking alongside the highway) and followed a bit more of a different path until I headed back to my car. I walked over to the map (I'd had directions how to get across the road from where I'd parked) and the map didn't show the trail I'd wanted. Not a big surprise - the land across the road is run by a different organization or something. I'd had a quite a workout walking in the snow - had to unzip partway through the hike and then take off my coat when I got to the car.

Two bits of annoying news I don't want to get into but feel that they should be mentioned:

1. I got a parking ticket yesterday for parking in my parking lot. The one I buy two separate passes so I don't get tickets - an overnight and a commuter for the day. It's for the train stop and it's the only parking available to those who live in my building. I went to the police station and ended up talking to the policeman who had issued my ticket and he explained that half of the lot was overnight and 2-hour-free-during-the-day ONLY, another quarter of the lot was for E (employee) parking only, leaving only a quarter of the lot where I should never have to get a ticket. I was unaware that the C permit wasn't good for 75% of the lot. I went ahead and paid the ticket but I told him I suggested that there be clearer signs, especially saying something like "C and E permits are not valid in this half of the lot." I refuse to rant; I let off steam yesterday with the dishes. It's just one more reason I won't be sad to move when the lease is up.

2. Applying for health insurance sucks. I got the letter for why I was refused one plan and even though I was annoyed, Colin made it make sense why they refused me. It makes sense from their POV but in the bigger scheme, I just want to say, it really doesn't seem cool. Hopefully plan B will produce better results.

Colin's parents and his youngest sister are in town so a bit more apartment spiffing up is in order before going to hang out with them. Thai restaurant for dinner!

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