Random thought: I was taking a pill from the bottle when I remembered dreaming about doing that very thing a few nights ago, but in the dream there were a lot less pills in the bottle. So I wondered: "Was I dreaming of the past or the future if it's a cyclical action?"
After posting that last entry, I went over to LJ, which I hardly ever do since I have linked to my blogger account in a way that whatever I post in blogger will show up in LJ. I was curious to see just how much posting the LJ friends still did and I found that Joanne was easily the most frequent blogger. I don't miss much though, since I have her blog as a subscription in Google Reader along with other blogs that don't consistently mark their entries as private (I hope that doesn't creep you out, Joanne).
Then I learned a couple of surprising bits of information, namely that the feeling that I've had an LJ account forever is proved by the date of my first entry: January 12, 2004. That's a really long time ago, people. Since then, I might not have been the most consistent blogger, but I still managed to write 264 journal entries - this will be my 265th.
I also noticed that I'd updated my location to Bloomington, but my bio is still original, as evidenced by this section: "Yes, I like to hike. I also like many other things but I can't think of them right now ... oh there's something about being a K College sophomore history major somewhere in there ..." I clicked on the "edit" button, then realized I really didn't care what it said and who would read it anyway?
Watching the NASA Atlantis shuttle launch about two weeks ago was pretty neat. I saw a news article via google news about it last night and decided to check out the twitter activity. NASA allowed 101 twitterers to have special access near the base, to interview and be interviewed, and they even got a wave from the astronauts as they drove past in the van on the way to the shuttle. I started getting ready for the launch soon after I got up around 10, intending to make sure I had a good video feed that'd work for linux and to have the right websites to bounce back and forth on, but then it was addicting watching the pre-launch and before I knew it, four hours flew by and the shuttle was in space. Whoops. I guess there are worse addictions ... (While it was nice of Chris to not mind changing the channel downstairs to NASA minutes before the launch, it was annoying that he interrupted my moment of awe by shouting "I didn't know it was going to launch NOW! You said pre-launch! I thought you meant like an hour more!")
Two weekends ago was the house party. I wasn't really looking forward to it but I was very relieved that Colin managed to be down here that weekend otherwise I probably would've caved into the temptation just to hole back up in my room and watch movies instead. I'm not anti-social; spending hours in a dimly lit rooms reeking of alcohol and beer and filled with mostly people I don't know just doesn't appeal to me. But it turned out to be fun, especially when we burned all the crappy deck chairs and table in the fire pit, even with the really rude guy who kept saying and doing things that made me just downright despise him. I *will* take offense when you purposely knock the cup of water out of my hand that I'd gotten for someone I care about who had just been throwing up. That's all I'm saying on that subject.
So since my car is still out of commission (yes, at least partly my fault there but I can only pester someone so much if they're doing me a favor), I had to determine how I was going to get to Charlevoix for Thanksgiving. I hadn't been to my hometown or seen my brother since the funeral in March - this year was the first time I had not made it home during the summer. As long as I made it to Chicago, Colin and I would drive the rest of the way in his car.
I hadn't missed any classes this semester except the first one (was still en route from India) so I was perfectly okay with missing one class (tomorrow) especially since I honestly find that course boring. Also, the last couple of weeks I've been on-and-off sick with viruses so even when I wished for nothing more but to stay in bed, I always dragged myself to class after deeming myself not that sick after all. It's unusual for me to do that, believe it or not. Last Wednesday night I registered a fever on the thermometer but mostly just felt really tired the next morning and did just fine. I think being stuck at the house except for classes was huge motivator.
So I looked up flights and found that if Chris was willing to drive me to the Memorial Union on campus, I could get shuttle bus and roundtrip flights for just about 200. So I did. Now I find myself sitting on Colin's couch, waiting to pick him up from work and watch Heroes during a spaghetti dinner. When we were out for lunch, we both noticed we felt like I had to leave to head south soon, which has always been the case. Ok, so technically I could have left this afternoon, gone to class, and then driven back before leaving for a night in Kalamazoo on Wednesday but it sure wasn't worth it.
This entry's been slowly written ever since I posted the last one. I just need to realize short entries are not only just fine but in fact preferred ...
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