I've found I have the time to drop a quick entry while in range of the internets but without my "real" computer (which brings up the question of whether or not my netbook counts as a real computer but I think it does). So typing out an entry with many typos, hopefully all of which will get caught but no guarantees. I have been pretty busy this hot humid week moving. Yes, apparently my favorite moving weather when I get drenched in sweat (no exaggeration), get sun burns and rashes, bruised, tired, stressed and sore. But all considered, the move is going remarkably well. Everything except furniture should be out of the old place by tomorrow then furniture gets moved Saturday. Also have to go back to Colin's old place's roommate's new place to pick up what he didn't even move into the current place (no room). We also need a new bed but it's not clear if anyone will pick up our old one via freecycle. And Laura and Mom will be in the area by dinnertime tomorrow night since Laura has her flight to Europe for study abroad Saturday evening - barring any volcanic interruptions of course. Yay stress!
Oh I don't think I have mentioned the new phones. For an early birthday present to ourselves we got google nexus ones. As you may or may not know, Colinhad been falling apart physically for sometime now and mine got so no matter how loud I or the other person yelled it was very hard to communicate (this is on top of my usual trouble with phones and the embarrassment of sometimes finding mysef in public shouting into the phone). Overall they are awesome. I have a bit interference woth my hearing aids which should have died like three years ago. Even without currently ha ing a data plan it's still awesome to use, includin for navigation as long as you look up the directions with wifi before hitting the road. I can't even remember well enough how much the new phone has affected my life but it has in so many different ways. For those pf you with good memory, the Peek is not a lost cause; it will be going to Sarah as a graduation present. Perfect for someone starting out in the real world with a teaching job.
Colin and I along with Emily who took the train from Kalamazoo drove overto Iowa last weekend to see Sarah's graduation. it was a nice weekend although quite warm and a little low on sleeping time. During the
Baccalaureate we sat in the second row and I was on the end. in the midle of one of the songs while we were standing, the elderly man dircetly in frpnt of me suddenly sat down. It was a bit odd but it was't until Colin bent over to doubpe check on him was it apparent that something was wrong. The man was not responding very well and people rushed over to help him and call an ambulance. The ceremony continued while the checked on him, laid him on the floor on his side, and then took him out on a stretcher. I kept making sure there was enough room but the whole time I was also focusing on not freaking out. I had been so sure he was dead ... and it hit me really hard since all I could think about was my grandma and how she just fell out of her chair, sitting next to my mom in a doctor's waiting room ... Colin and I left when they cleared out because I was so shoken up.
I didn't mean to end on such a sombre note but I am tired of typing (just can't get the hang of these onscreen keyboards) and there isn't really any other news. Next time I will hopefully be moved into the new plac, probably with everythig still in boxes - but I can't wait for the moving tp be over. Hopefully we'll have all of Monday to just relax together in the AC!