Just a quick note to announce that I have indeed completely and utterly finished my Master's in Library Science degree. Last class was over at 12:15 pm today, when I'd given my presentation and handed in my last paper.
And my car is hopefully gonna be fixed by noon Friday so that means I get to lug up a bunch of stuff to Highland Park, help Colin seal the windows against the cold, and attend Tom's party Saturday. Oh, and rent Julie and Julia :) Colin's company party is Thursday night then I'll head down early Friday to finish packing, greet arriving family members, wait for Colin to show up, and then graduation is Saturday morning. And no, I'm not driving to Charlevoix directly after that but taking the rest of my stuff to fully move in the apartment in HP. *Then* I'll be in Charlevoix for Christmas.
So all in all, both cheerful and kind of blank. Stay tuned for what happens in the next episode ...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
it's not a rose ... SLA needs a new name
Tomorrow, the vote for whether to change the name of Special Library Association to Association for Strategic Knowledge Professionals ends. And I have yet to decide whether to vote yes or no. In attempts to find out and hope that I could find someone whose words would make me jump up and down shouting "That's it! That's what I mean! Exactly!" I am perhaps even further from a decision. Many times I did indeed find myself nodding in agreement but it was only sections of both pro and con blogposts which I've posted below to hopefully consolidate my thoughts.
Why do I even care? Someone mentioned that it's not going to change what they do and what the organization means to them, and I agree with that. But that's not really the point of a name change - it's about image, both the self and the projected. I may be a quite new member (renewing for my second year in January) but I went to the conference this summer and I plan on only increasing my involvement and passion in the organization.
I never really liked the name SLA - I don't like being egotistic and saying "well those are the regular librarians - I'm studying to be a *special* librarian" - but I understood what it meant. It made sense when I knew the history of the association, how it grew out of a combination of many smaller library organizations that didn't quite fit in with the general ALA.
But, come on - ASKPro? First, I thought it was the name of a program or some online reference librarian thing. Then I thought about how it actually sounds to me, a hearing impaired person who frequently, well, mishears things.
I'm all for trying to change and more accurately reflect the organization's membership, but I agree with naysayers so much on this choice. I don't mind that it doesn't say "library" but it will mean it's less likely to be grouped together with the other library organizations. Even if my job title neglects to have the word "librarian" in it, I'm still going to consider myself a librarian, just like many other SLA members.
The big question to me: if I was looking at professional organizations to join, would I have joined "ASKPro?" I probably would have been even more confused what the name meant than with SLA. Honestly, I don't think I would have thought it was a relevant organization. But others have probably been dissuaded from joining SLA because they thought "oh I'm not a special librarian" when in fact they may very well be just that but aren't aware of it because the term is so vague.
So why am I spending the time reading other thoughts and mulling over the issue in the middle of one of the craziest weeks which include the last bit of grad school work, getting my car fixed, first snow, dealing with family drama, and lots of planning (holidays and moving - don't get me started on job searching and applying)? Because the vote deadline is less than 24 hours away. I think I'll sleep on it, but I'm leaning towards "no." Meanwhile, time to get cracking on my very last SLIS project due Thursday.
"As was pointed out in the email announcing the proposed name, John Cotton Dana (founder of SLA, as if you didn’t know!) said in the first place that “The name Special Libraries was chosen with some hesitation, or rather in default of a better…”. The name doesn’t really mean much to me, and certainly means far less to non-librarians."
"What I keep coming back to though is this: simply, it is time for a change. ... Maybe “Association for Strategic Knowledge Professionals” will require as much explanation to non-members and non-information professionals as SLA did, but at least they won’t have to work their way past a set of inaccurate assumptions to begin with. ASKP is a blank slate."
"If the new name stops people from thinking “well I can’t join that association, it’s only for special librarians” – isn’t that a good thing?"
"As others have suggested, if the SLA has to explain to its own *members* what the term means, there is a problem.
I think the SLA executive have to go back to the drawing board on this one."
"I have queried several non-librarian friends, including attorneys at my firm. So far, I have not had one positive response. Replies have included:
* “What does that even mean?”
* “Sounds pompous as hell.”
* “What are you, the CIA?”
The most positive response I have received was simply that it was too vague and the individual had no idea what it meant or who the association would include.
I grant that everyone I have queried thus far has preferred the proposed name to “Special Libraries Association”. But what does that really mean? They find the proposed name pretentious, unspecific, and challenging to say, but it’s better than what we have so we should go for it? No. It means what so many of us have been saying for years. “Special Libraries Association” is confusing and unclear and should be changed. That is all."
"I do not support the proposed name, but I think “Special Libraries Association” is no longer sufficient. I worry that we will miss this opportunity because so many of those that strongly back a name change can not support the proposed name. "
Why do I even care? Someone mentioned that it's not going to change what they do and what the organization means to them, and I agree with that. But that's not really the point of a name change - it's about image, both the self and the projected. I may be a quite new member (renewing for my second year in January) but I went to the conference this summer and I plan on only increasing my involvement and passion in the organization.
I never really liked the name SLA - I don't like being egotistic and saying "well those are the regular librarians - I'm studying to be a *special* librarian" - but I understood what it meant. It made sense when I knew the history of the association, how it grew out of a combination of many smaller library organizations that didn't quite fit in with the general ALA.
But, come on - ASKPro? First, I thought it was the name of a program or some online reference librarian thing. Then I thought about how it actually sounds to me, a hearing impaired person who frequently, well, mishears things.
I'm all for trying to change and more accurately reflect the organization's membership, but I agree with naysayers so much on this choice. I don't mind that it doesn't say "library" but it will mean it's less likely to be grouped together with the other library organizations. Even if my job title neglects to have the word "librarian" in it, I'm still going to consider myself a librarian, just like many other SLA members.
The big question to me: if I was looking at professional organizations to join, would I have joined "ASKPro?" I probably would have been even more confused what the name meant than with SLA. Honestly, I don't think I would have thought it was a relevant organization. But others have probably been dissuaded from joining SLA because they thought "oh I'm not a special librarian" when in fact they may very well be just that but aren't aware of it because the term is so vague.
So why am I spending the time reading other thoughts and mulling over the issue in the middle of one of the craziest weeks which include the last bit of grad school work, getting my car fixed, first snow, dealing with family drama, and lots of planning (holidays and moving - don't get me started on job searching and applying)? Because the vote deadline is less than 24 hours away. I think I'll sleep on it, but I'm leaning towards "no." Meanwhile, time to get cracking on my very last SLIS project due Thursday.
"As was pointed out in the email announcing the proposed name, John Cotton Dana (founder of SLA, as if you didn’t know!) said in the first place that “The name Special Libraries was chosen with some hesitation, or rather in default of a better…”. The name doesn’t really mean much to me, and certainly means far less to non-librarians."
"What I keep coming back to though is this: simply, it is time for a change. ... Maybe “Association for Strategic Knowledge Professionals” will require as much explanation to non-members and non-information professionals as SLA did, but at least they won’t have to work their way past a set of inaccurate assumptions to begin with. ASKP is a blank slate."
"If the new name stops people from thinking “well I can’t join that association, it’s only for special librarians” – isn’t that a good thing?"
"As others have suggested, if the SLA has to explain to its own *members* what the term means, there is a problem.
I think the SLA executive have to go back to the drawing board on this one."
"I have queried several non-librarian friends, including attorneys at my firm. So far, I have not had one positive response. Replies have included:
* “What does that even mean?”
* “Sounds pompous as hell.”
* “What are you, the CIA?”
The most positive response I have received was simply that it was too vague and the individual had no idea what it meant or who the association would include.
I grant that everyone I have queried thus far has preferred the proposed name to “Special Libraries Association”. But what does that really mean? They find the proposed name pretentious, unspecific, and challenging to say, but it’s better than what we have so we should go for it? No. It means what so many of us have been saying for years. “Special Libraries Association” is confusing and unclear and should be changed. That is all."
"I do not support the proposed name, but I think “Special Libraries Association” is no longer sufficient. I worry that we will miss this opportunity because so many of those that strongly back a name change can not support the proposed name. "
Friday, December 4, 2009
Present grumblings, past fun, and future plans
The inner corner of my right eye itches and burns but I can't find anything causing this. But I keep trying to ease this really annoying problem which in turn makes my eye all watery. Also, I have lots of congestion running down my throat which made my pill stick in my throat and I hate it when that happens. I don't think the whole thing lodges in there but it takes its sweet time making its way down and leaves residue. It feels uncomfortable and makes me cringe when it burns sometimes like when I burp or when I'm trying to flush it with water, tea, and chicken noodle soup.
I also keep trying to work on my last two projects (each include paper and presentation due next week) which by K standards are very manageable but things just keep popping up that need to be dealt with. Like my car. It's been a month since it broke down but it is very probable that someone will come tow it back to their shop and fix it by next weekend. So Colin's driving down for the weekend and I really hope to make it to Tom Beck's party next Saturday.
So yeah, graduation is the 19th and I'll be moved out on the 20th. The trips made by both me and Colin will be how stuff gets moved, and my parents are taking big items back that we won't need, like my twin bed and desk table. Then there's the matter of finding a job. I've done searching but I think other than sending a resume to the most interesting ones I've found so far, I'm not going to focus so much on it until I've moved, at least.
Plans for post-holidays so far include possibly going to ALA's midwinter conference in Boston mid-January, having Becca visit in February for a couple days (yay!), going on a cruise with family early March, going to Becca's wedding late March and Ashley's in June. Also, Laura and Emily plan on study abroad in Europe next fall and Colin just might have to go back to India for a period. Regardless of all that, I'm gonna be bored on the normal days unless I can find at least some temp/part-time/unpaid/whatever library-related thing I want to do.
Thanksgiving in Charlevoix was nice. A bit different without my mom's parents, but still nice. I got really full and was wearing pants that I'd made the mistake of putting through the dryer so I had to excuse myself to go change into pajama pants. The next day, while Laura and I are trying on clothes in JC Penny, she said Mom and she had been wondering if I was pregnant. Um, no. Now, I don't know where they got the idea or if the pants were at all a "clue" but, seriously? Colin made me laugh when after I told him this he said that he was first thinking they were worried but then remembered who my mom and sister are and realized they were probably hoping. All in all, weird.
It was really good to spend time with William though. Hadn't seen him since the funeral in March; it's the first time I hadn't gone home during the summer. We had a great time watching Ice Age 3 - even my dad watched it! There were games of Up the River (Colin finally properly learned how to play) and Scrabble, a walk down the road, playing with the puppies, and just general good family time. Also got to meet Laura's boyfriend Nathan (yet another correlation between Emily and Laura - both their boyfriends are named Nathan) and Weston's (a cousin of mine) friend P.J. who's living with him at Brooks Hill and has a job at Applebee's.
On the drive up and down Michigan we stopped both times to visit Emily who had to stay for an exam the next week and couldn't make it to Duluth for Thanksgiving. I also had the ingenious idea of reading Sherlock Holmes stories to Colin while he drove. That's how drives usually work out - since I can't have a conversation with him while I'm driving without apparently making him nervous he does the driving while I do the entertaining such as reading or crossword puzzles. Oh and trying to navigate (we always end up taking detours but neither of us mind too much).
I suppose you might be wondering why I used the time to write an entry instead of a paper - mostly, it's because I felt like I needed to get a bunch of the thoughts swirling in my head not paper-related out of the way. I had to write a packing list with what goes on the first, second, or third trips just to stop gazing around the room wondering. I think I"ll aim for a chunk of paper writing and then a walk in the sunshine, but it depends on when and if they're towing the car today. Meanwhile, send me some academic focusing power, if you've got any to spare.
I also keep trying to work on my last two projects (each include paper and presentation due next week) which by K standards are very manageable but things just keep popping up that need to be dealt with. Like my car. It's been a month since it broke down but it is very probable that someone will come tow it back to their shop and fix it by next weekend. So Colin's driving down for the weekend and I really hope to make it to Tom Beck's party next Saturday.
So yeah, graduation is the 19th and I'll be moved out on the 20th. The trips made by both me and Colin will be how stuff gets moved, and my parents are taking big items back that we won't need, like my twin bed and desk table. Then there's the matter of finding a job. I've done searching but I think other than sending a resume to the most interesting ones I've found so far, I'm not going to focus so much on it until I've moved, at least.
Plans for post-holidays so far include possibly going to ALA's midwinter conference in Boston mid-January, having Becca visit in February for a couple days (yay!), going on a cruise with family early March, going to Becca's wedding late March and Ashley's in June. Also, Laura and Emily plan on study abroad in Europe next fall and Colin just might have to go back to India for a period. Regardless of all that, I'm gonna be bored on the normal days unless I can find at least some temp/part-time/unpaid/whatever library-related thing I want to do.
Thanksgiving in Charlevoix was nice. A bit different without my mom's parents, but still nice. I got really full and was wearing pants that I'd made the mistake of putting through the dryer so I had to excuse myself to go change into pajama pants. The next day, while Laura and I are trying on clothes in JC Penny, she said Mom and she had been wondering if I was pregnant. Um, no. Now, I don't know where they got the idea or if the pants were at all a "clue" but, seriously? Colin made me laugh when after I told him this he said that he was first thinking they were worried but then remembered who my mom and sister are and realized they were probably hoping. All in all, weird.
It was really good to spend time with William though. Hadn't seen him since the funeral in March; it's the first time I hadn't gone home during the summer. We had a great time watching Ice Age 3 - even my dad watched it! There were games of Up the River (Colin finally properly learned how to play) and Scrabble, a walk down the road, playing with the puppies, and just general good family time. Also got to meet Laura's boyfriend Nathan (yet another correlation between Emily and Laura - both their boyfriends are named Nathan) and Weston's (a cousin of mine) friend P.J. who's living with him at Brooks Hill and has a job at Applebee's.
On the drive up and down Michigan we stopped both times to visit Emily who had to stay for an exam the next week and couldn't make it to Duluth for Thanksgiving. I also had the ingenious idea of reading Sherlock Holmes stories to Colin while he drove. That's how drives usually work out - since I can't have a conversation with him while I'm driving without apparently making him nervous he does the driving while I do the entertaining such as reading or crossword puzzles. Oh and trying to navigate (we always end up taking detours but neither of us mind too much).
I suppose you might be wondering why I used the time to write an entry instead of a paper - mostly, it's because I felt like I needed to get a bunch of the thoughts swirling in my head not paper-related out of the way. I had to write a packing list with what goes on the first, second, or third trips just to stop gazing around the room wondering. I think I"ll aim for a chunk of paper writing and then a walk in the sunshine, but it depends on when and if they're towing the car today. Meanwhile, send me some academic focusing power, if you've got any to spare.
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