I freed Tim, Tum, and One-Eyed Bill today. Now there is just Tom left. Tom was the last tadpole and was still water-bound when I went to bed last night. This morning, he wasn't in the water but I managed to find the froglet hiding under a crate but alive and happy to see me. I also finally found the remnants of the one that escaped a couple days ago ...
I've been writing responses and thoughts for the book I'm reading (Animal, Vegetable, Miracle) as well as the exciting things I'm trying out such as homemade laundry detergent and composting. It is too much to put here - basically, my mind is continually exploding with Kingsolver's amazing writing ability and the knowledge I'm gaining. I'm not completely naive and ignorant of the harm caused by our society, I even knew that eating food grown closer to home was a good idea. Yet somehow knowing more of the details and the timing in my life of reading this book really makes it powerful.
While I had planned to work on my last assignment and get some important errands done, I ended up wandering in the ravine after freeing the frogs instead. It was very therapeutic is one way to put it. I emerged a couple hours later with feet still drying from wading, a potful of dirt and worms, spiderweb and mosquito bites in various places, mud on my knees and hands, and, most importantly, a huge grin on my face. I didn't realize how much I have been craving true greenery. I have not been sleeping well most of this week but I can't tell if it's just from my allergies and some strange stress or what.
Now, quite a bit rejuvenated in spirit and mind, I will tackle the homework and chores I should get done before Colin arrives in roughly six hours.